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A Reading Meditation


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This reading meditation was developed for times when you find it difficult to find a space where you can close your eyes and meditate.


With this meditation you simply read the text and the written words will guide your mind in a powerful meditation that could change your life.


Read these words over and over every day. You can also read these words out aloud if you are able to, which will make this meditation more powerful


Please share this meditation with others so that they can also reap its benefits.


You have the ability to meditate anytime, anywhere




As you read these words your body will become more relaxed and at the same time your mind will become more aware of and focused on the words on this page.


Your attention will be fully on what you are reading and you will close yourself off, more and more from any outside distractions.


You read this slowly, immersing your mind in every word.


As you read this you become aware of your feet and also of the space between your feet. Your awareness moves from your left foot to your right foot and are now on both your feet. 


Your awareness moves slowly upwards towards your knees. You now become aware of the space around your lower legs. Your awareness moves to your knees and upwards and now to your hips. 


Your awareness rests on your sexual centre and you become aware of the space around the lower part of your body. 


Your awareness now moves to your abdominal area and you become aware of the energy and space in this area. 


As you rest your awareness on your abdomen you become aware of the space around your abdomen. 


Now your awareness moves upwards towards your heart centre. You become aware of your heart and the rhythm of your heart centre. 


Your awareness moves to the space around your chest and then slowly upwards towards your shoulders. You relax your shoulders as your awareness moves to the space around your shoulders and your upper body.


You feel more and more relaxed and more and more focused on the words on this page. You awareness now moves to your throat and to the space surrounding your throat. You slowly move your awareness to your head and you become aware of all the space inside your head and now of the space around your head.


Your awareness moves to the space surrounding your whole body. 


You are now completely relaxed and your awareness are moving away from your body and you become more aware of the space around you and the infiniteness of this space. As you read this you become aware that you are now not your body but totally just awareness in space.


You love this feeling of space where you are no one or nothing else than pure awareness.


Your awareness now grows into a feeling of immense gratitude and you become aware of this growing emotion of gratitude and appreciation.


As you read this you become grateful for the ability that you have to read these words and for the powerful impact these words will have on your life. You are grateful that you have the time and space to read these words. Your gratitude expands to all areas of your life.


You are so grateful for the expanding abundance in your life. You are grateful that divine abundance and wealth are flowing through your whole being and that these emotions are elevated while you are reading this. You are grateful that you know that with every word you read more abundance and wealth are flowing into your life experience.


You become aware of a tremendous feeling of divine wisdom engulfing you and you know that all the answers to all your problems or questions are flowing to you now. 


You know that your body also has the divine wisdom to heal itself and with every word you read, you can feel the healing elixir of divine health flowing through all the cells of your body and you feel totally alive and well. You are grateful that your body naturally moves to a state of perfect health and wellness.


As you continue reading you feel this tremendous power of love starting to flow through every part of your body, as it flows it heals every relationship in your life and brings with it more powerful and loving relationships than you could have ever imagined. You become aware of this complete feeling of unconditional divine love.


You become aware that this feeling of unconditional love expands from your body until it fully fills all the space surrounding your body and are now filling all of space thus your awareness becomes complete love and you enter a state of extreme bliss.


We suggest that you close your eyes for a minute or 2 and just take in this pure bliss and joy. 


Please share the love of this reading meditation with everyone you know.  We suggest you read this over and over for best results.