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ABOUT THE WINELANDS #13 – Meet winelover and blogger, Johann Crafford of Planet Wine

About The Winelands The Shows Visit Winelands

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Meet wine lover and blogger, Johann Crafford of Planet Wine. Johann invites you to share his passion of all the good things in life… wine, food and travel. Cheers to wine’s wonderful journey of discovery!


Listen to About The Winelands below


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About Johann Crafford

A graduate of University of Stellenbosch (BA) and UNISA (Diploma in Marketing and Marketing Research). Johann spent sixteen years as journalist in both the electronic and print media, covering sport, politics, travel and motoring. He started a media/communications business in Gauteng, however, returned to the Cape after fourteen years and currently operates as a freelance copywriter/translator/publicist. Johann runs two bilingual websites, on wine and cars. As he says… Just living the good life! 


About Planet Wines


Planet Wine is a blog driven by passion. Blogging in English and Afrikaans, Johan Crafford focuses mainly on local South Africa wine producers and is always open to visit the farms and taste their wine. Packed with news and reviews, be sure to bookmark Planet Wine and keep updated on the wine scene. If you’d like to air your views on wine and wine related issues, here’s your chance. You are also invited to have your say here.



Wine is not a destination, it’s a wonderful, wonderful journey with no end in sight” Johann Crafford


Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and visit www.planetwine.co.za and email Johann here.



So you think you are a wine expert?

If you are reading this, there is a 99.9% chance that you are a wine lover. This means that all of your friends know about your passion for wine, right? Right!

But how much do you REALLY know about wine? Can you answer all of the following wine-related questions correctly? Don’t worry if you can’t, because you are sure to learn something in the process. But please, as tempting as it may be, don’t Google your answers. Good luck!



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