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ABOUT THE WINELANDS #55 – An Interview with Callan Williams, Founder & Winemaker, THE GARAJEEST

About The Winelands The Shows

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ABOUT THE WINELANDS welcomes Callan Williams, founder and winemaker, “The Garajeest” – a premium, handcrafted wine brand focused on the unconventional and a creative spirit. Callan’s dream of making wine that has edge, authenticity, character and convincingly translates the honest and down to earth character of the cultivar, is now being realised. Listen to the chat below:-



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About Callan Williams

Originally from Zimbabwe, making handcrafted, small production wines in South Africa named after rockstars.


Taking a stand for the rebels with a cause, the dreamers, the lovers, and believers, inspiring the thinkers to become doers.”

The Garajeest

The name Garajeest was named from “Garagiste” – a movement that began in Bordeaux in the mid-1990s, winemakers eschewing traditional winemaking and making limited-production wine, without rules, in their garages. While the term ‘garagiste’ was meant as a derisive one, these winemakers wore it with pride, and their wine soon became cult favourites, known for their bold flavours and understood to be passion in a glass.


Email Callan Williams at The Garajeest here Follow on Facebook and Instagram



The Garajeest wines

The music comes to life as the wine is enjoyed, swept up in an era of true talent and passion-filled freedoms. The Garajeest creates wines that are cultivar expressive and terroir driven, with minimal intervention in the cellar. Vintages driven by quality and intrigue – wines that tell a story full of life.

  • Cobain – The Signature Series Magnum is an unique wine released every 2/3 years.Limited to vintage quality, with only one barrel made.A project that helps fund harvest.This one’s named after, and is a salutation to the grunge legend we all know and love, the gone-too-soon frontman of Nirvana, Mr Kurt Cobain
  • Jim Semillon – A profoundly seductive wine, upfront and self-indulgent, this Semillon offers a beatific character with edge, intrigue and a raunchy finish to satisfy a soulful palate
  • Bruce Cabernet Franc – A handsome wine, bold and true, inspiring a raw complexity that exudes elegance and heart. This honest Cabernet Franc will gain notes of wisdom and depth when kept as a classic addition to any collection.


Order The Garajeest wines here

Book a Callan & Crimson Wine Event

For Select Wine Clubs; Corporate Launches; Corporate Functions; Public Events; Weddings; Fashion Shows etc – Callan & Crimson combines expansive wine knowledge with the raw energy of rock & roll, adding funk and finesse to any occasion. BOOK HERE


Introducing Cinci

Cinci is a way of life.
It is “a little bit of” everything good, upbeat and pleasurable.
Our brand brings people together and turns life into laughter.
Be it fun, happiness, love or just being present in a moment of bliss.
We cinci our choices, our friends, our lives.

It is for her, for him, for both, for all.

A Taste of Africa!



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