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COVID-19 ASSISTANCE – An Invitation for all MAKERS to join the ZAmakers conversations

CoronaVirus Maker Chats MakerMania

Sharing is caring!

The Maker movement is fired up to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic. In South Africa, Maker Spaces called on the community to offer their services or resources at the start of the lockdown. They are aggregating signup Forms, Links and Resources for South Africa Maker volunteers.

Now, all makers are invited to join the ZAmakers conversations on DISCORD. The DISCORD group is multi-disciplinary and a platform to crowd-source solutions for COVID-19. This group replaces the C19 #ZAmakers Telegram Groups.



Our ethos is to find the MOST APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGIES OR SOLUTIONS for the problems presented to us as MAKERS, DESIGNERS, THINKERS, and PLANNERS due to the COVID19 pandemic. New solutions might be needed, they might be out there already, or might need to be adapted or hacked together.




  • Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/508603866692853/
  • Website Landing Page: https://zamakers.co.za/


There are other groups out there, and we do not replace any of them or supersede them in any other way.

We are also working with and setting up relationships with other collectives, chat groups and DISCORD Servers that specialize in specific topics or fields.


MAKER CHATS #1 – MAKER STATION, a DIY makerspace, sharing Learning, Expertise, Tools, and Space


Tell us about your Maker Project and be featured on Maker Chats – CLICK HERE