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COVID-19 Assistance – Maker Spaces are aggregating signup forms, links and resources for South Africa Maker volunteers

CoronaVirus Maker Chats MakerMania

Sharing is caring!

As South Africa moves into 21 day lockdown, announces its first deaths from Coronavirus infection, and cases pass the 1000 mark, Maker Spaces calls on the community to offer their services or resources.


Sign up and register as a Maker, Donor, Supplier of materials/components or Client. Maker Spaces are aggregating sign up forms, links and resources at MakerSource.info

In order to provide medical resources and community sanitation solutions, it is vital to prioritize skills, donations and sponsorships with request for assistance.


Please click on the links below to sign up according to your requirements:-

SA Maker Volunteer

To Request assistance

Supplier/Donor assistance to “Make” production efforts


If we can provide making and maintenance support to doctors, hospitals we can help stretch those critical resources, keep the healthcare heroes healthy longer.

To cut red tape we need to offer our services free to the institutions to not get bogged down in prolonged procurement procedures.

For that we need community support makers volunteering hands tools and brains, and funders and donors to make the making happen.” Maker Spaces


Calling on Maker volunteers in South Africa

Designers, Makers, Tinkerers, Artists, Crafters, Fabricators, Inventors or Artisan. List your skills and resources in order to help direct resources and requests as the come in.


Sign Up Here: SA Maker sign up


Request for assistance

Organisations needing assistance from Makers and Maker Spaces community list your needs.

Please share with clinics, hospitals, community projects, improvement district coordinators, anyone working in health and hygiene on the covid19 problem. As resources are aggregated, a response can be tailored to the specific need.


Sign Up Here: Request for Assistance sign up


Offer of other assistance, Donations, Materials & Equipment

Individuals, Organisations and Businesses wanting to contribute but can not “make’, can pledge financial support, hardware and materials, admin support etc.


We will then match makers (do-ers) offers (Givers) and requests (The need) as best we can.”

Sign up Here: Offer other assistance, Supply or Sponsor


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