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American Tourists access Eiffel Tower restricted zone

Do Not Disturb: American Duo Chooses Eiffel Tower for Intimate Overnight Stay


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This summer has witnessed a series of regrettable incidents involving tourists exploring Europe’s most historic and iconic sites.

Just this week, a pair of intoxicated American tourists managed to access a restricted zone within Paris’ renowned Eiffel Tower and spent the night there, as reported by the BBC.

These individuals surreptitiously entered the off-limits area and fell asleep, only to be awakened the next morning during a routine security sweep carried out by a guard. This occurrence led to an investigation by emergency personnel, causing an hour-long delay in opening the Eiffel Tower to ticket holders.

According to media sources, the men dozed off between the tower’s second and third levels. While their actions amounted to trespassing, they did not present any additional security risks.

The Eiffel Tower, one of the iconic travel destinations in France, standing at a majestic height of 1,084 feet, welcomes more than 7 million visitors annually, according to official statistics.

In an unrelated event earlier this month in Rome, Italy, a woman was stopped by security for encroaching on the renowned Trevi Fountain and using it to fill her personal water bottle.

Meanwhile, in Rome, a couple was caught on camera carving their names into the Colosseum earlier in the summer. Subsequently, they faced public criticism from Rome’s local government on social media platforms.

With the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions and the ability to move more freely across the continent, Europe has experienced a surge in tourist numbers. According to the European Travel Commission’s recent “European Tourism: Trends & Prospects” report, American visitor numbers are 55 percent higher than the peak season of 2022, with top destinations including London, Paris, and Dublin.