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EARTH CHATS #8 – Are You Ready for a Challenge beyond Earth Hour?

Earth Chats The Shows

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Join Sahara Thagunna, teenage environmental activist and Earth Chats host, and many others on the Beyond Earth Hour Lights Out Challenge! So, how do you participate?


Join here! For more info and some perspective on the challenge, listen to the Earth Chat below


Join the Lights Out Challenge here


Sahara posted on her Instagram today…


 I was going to run the #lightsout challenge during the month of April in honour of #earthday and #earthhour. I’ll be switching my lights off for an hour every evening. But will all the chaos in the world right now I thought why not shift the challenge up and start next week!

During this time I know a lot of us are scared, panicked and stressed out and it really important that we look after ourselves both physically and mentally.

So I’d love it if you all joined me for an hour each evening just to SWITCH OFF – everything from your lights to the TV, laptops and phones. Put it all away, no more listening to the news and latest updates.

Just be in the present and give your mind some peace. Read a book by candlelight, play board games, have a meaningful conversation, meditate. Just bring some quiet to your mind.

So we’ll be starting next week Monday March 23rd and running till April 30th. Just 1 hour every evening – that’s not so hard right?! “


Listen to EARTH CHATS Podcasts below


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About Earth Chats

Introducing EARTH CHATS with Sahara Thagunna – A show where Sahara chats with inspiring guests who are passionate about the environment.  

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