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Here’s What to Talk About at a Singles Wine Soirée

Lifestyle Visit Winelands

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A popular new trend in the Winelands is a hosted singles event that includes a wine tasting and food pairing. Haskell Vineyards are hosting what is billed to be the “Singles Soirée of the Year” on 19 March 2021.


For some singles, attending an event like this can be a bit intimidating and sometimes people struggle to get the conversation started. We have created a few tips as well as questions that you can ask when attending a Singles Wine Soirée. So, what to talk about?

Start by trying to make a connection

People will remember you not for what you said or what you looked like but mostly  for how you made them feel. If someone felt that they had a connection with you they will remember you, it is thus important to build rapport with the other person.


Build on what you already know

Expand upon what you’ve learned from the initial source of connection to propel the dialogue. For example, at the wine tasting a natural conversation starter would be the wine. Just be aware that everyone is going to talk about the wine so make sure that you are interesting. Fortunately, Haskell wines are guaranteed to be a great conversation starter.

If you’re not sure how to jump into a conversation, why not comment about something in your environment. For starters, you could ask them if they’ve ever been to Haskell before, you could talk about the beautiful scenery or just about the winelands in general.


Pay attention to how often they ask you questions

To determine if your person of interest is relational or self-centered, note if they inquire about you at all. When you answer, do they immediately turn it into talking about themselves, or can they stay on you for any time at all?Granted, there could be nerves involved (often, it’s easier to ramble) but this is something still worthy of cueing into.


Listen closely to their answers

A person’s responses can often show their true selves. For example, if you ask  someone about their previous experience at similar events and , are they saying belittling things like “There are so many idiots out there.” Or, are they more level-headed, with responses such as “I’ve met some nice people, and had some good experiences…and of course, some that weren’t.” Focusing on conversation patterns like this is an essential tip to gauge character. If they went through a divorce, that also lends itself to complications.


Unpack their idea of fun and a “good life”

Everyone at this Soirée is at least there to have some fun. We all have a concept of what our ideal life would be. For you, maybe it’s owning a home, having a healthy family, travelling abroad, enjoying good food and great wine etc. . What is it for the person sipping on their wine across from you?

Be a good journalist

An inherent trait of any effective reporter is inquisitiveness. Though you are not conducting an  interview, you are trying to learn parts of who this person is and their story. Do so by asking questions they’ve likely seldom or never answered like:   If you could get away with a crime, what would you do? Which winery is next on your bucket list?  – Be interesting

Really show your curiosity and encourage them to tell you more. This will not only make for an engaging and fun time, but it will also help you discover if you have common interests or life goals to help you decide if you’d like to see the person again.


Let your creative juices flow

Check in with yourself as the evening is progressing. Do you like being there? Is the  person you’re talking to now amusing? “Life should be fun, especially a Singles Wine Soirée.

Try some creative questions: What food is your guilty pleasure? Which movie could you watch over and over again? What’s something you haven’t done that everyone else has? However, again, if this doesn’t come naturally to you, don’t force it.


Remember, it’s only an event and you can also choose not to see the person again.

Time  is valuable and sometimes there’s just no spark, even after warming up to each other during a drink or meal. If this is the case, free up your future by saying something like: “It was so great to meet you and then move on to the next person or the next event. Your expectation at an event like this should not be to meet the love of your life, it should be to have fun, all the rest should come organically if you are having fun.



We know that starting a conversation especially at an event where you meet new people all the time can be daunting so here are a few conversation starter suggestions. [READ to the end to find the best question you can ask] 


  1. What’s your favorite song or wine

Everyone loves music. But please remember: a bad taste in music is no reason to end the conversation immediately. A bad taste in wine is entirely a different story! 🙂


  1. What is one habit you can’t stand?

Maybe you already know that you want to date this person after this event.  If that is the case, you should definitely ask this question as a conversation starter.


  1. What’s your favorite movie/series?

Who doesn’t love a great movie or series? Maybe your favorites are even the same and you can dive into a fun discussion of your favorite scenes and actors.


  1. How do you usually spend your Sunday evenings?

It says a lot about a person what they spend their free time with. This  question is great to get to know preferences and hobbies.


  1. Why do you think humans exist?

That’s a tough one. But a great way to start a deep discussion!


  1. What’s the best thing about summer nights?

Summer nights are just the best. Ask your partner to find out how he/she likes to spend those magical nights!


  1. Do you remember your first day at school?

The first day of school for both of you was probably years ago. But sharing your memories about this particular day will lead to great discussions about your childhood.


  1. What do you usually eat for breakfast?

Does he/she prefer sweet or spicy? Meat, vegetarian, or vegan? Fast food or healthy food? This question can tell you a lot about his/her eating habits.


  1.  Have you ever considered moving abroad? If yes where?

This question as a conversation starter is great and talks about foreign countries and cultures. Share your thoughts!


  1. What was the best vacation you’ve ever had so far?

There is nothing better than traveling to foreign countries.


  1. What’s your favorite smell?

There are so many wonderful fragrances in the world. Share your thoughts!


  1. What is one thing you did understand way too late?

Maybe he/she believed in Father Christmas a little too long or he couldn’t read the clock until he/she was 12, ask this question and find out what the secret of his/her childhood is.


  1. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

While morning persons tend to awake at an early hour and feel quite well, night owls tend to stay awake longer and also prefer to work during the night. Especially if you’re looking for a relationship, you should talk about your sleeping habits with your potential partner.


  1. What is the cheesiest pickup line you’ve ever heard?

Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears! There are so many cheesy pickup lines. Share your experiences!


  1.  If you could have dinner with one famous person, who would you choose?

Dead or alive, of course! Openers like this are great conversation starters for every occasion.


AND, the absolute best question for a Singles Wine Soirée… What do you love about Haskell Wines?


Good luck for your next Singles Wine Soirée, and if you have nothing planned for March 19, 2021

It is our immense pleasure to welcome you to our Singles Wine Soirée in the heart of the winelands. Please drive safely as you meander through the vineyards on the Annandale road, Stellenbosch. As you approach Rust en Vrede you will see the turn off for our hidden treasure, Haskell Vineyards, where you will be welcomed with a glass of MCC and our wine Soirée hosts will direct you to your seat.

It is imperative that you are fashionably early, still able to catch the sunset as the evening mood is set by soft music and our sauve Master of Ceremonies will clink the opening glass. The evening delights will include music, wine, food and conversation pairings and you will be whisked from conversation delight to conversation delight by our Soirée hosts whilst guaranteed to be kissed [by the wine].

Unfortunately we can only accommodate a limited amount of people for what is billed to be the “Singles Soirée of the Year”

Your entrance pass awaits… Click here to get yours!