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Monitor CoronaVirus 11 April 2020 – Global Deaths pass 100 000


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Key Points:

  • Confirmed cases 1  700 007
  • Deaths 102 751

Live CoronaVirus Monitor here

  •  More than 100,000 people have died worldwide from the coronavirus, with nearly 70 percent of all fatalities in Europe.
  • US counts over 2,000 coronavirus deaths in 24 hours
  • Brazil has become the first country in the southern hemisphere to surpass 1,000 deaths with coronavirus.
  • Vietnamese airlines to resume domestic flights from Thursday
  • South Korea to use electronic wristbands to monitor coronavirus cases
  • Thailand reports two new coronavirus deaths, 45 new cases
  • New York deaths jump by 777, but new hospitalisations down
  • China reports 46 new coronavirus cases, higher than previous day
  • Argentina extends lockdown on major cities
  • South Africa’s death toll hit 24 on Friday, as the number of confirmed cases broke 2 000.


 US counts over 2,000 coronavirus deaths in 24 hours

The United States has reported 2,108 coronavirus deaths in 24 hours, the highest daily increase in the country since the outbreak began, pushing the total US death toll to 18,777 on the one-month anniversary of the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic. 

Meanwhile, the number of confirmed cases in the US topped 501,000 on Saturday, as the worldwide death toll surpassed 102,000.

The United States is soon expected to overtake Italy in the grim position as the country with the highest number of fatalities. To date, Italy has registered at least 18,800 deaths.

From here




South Korea to use electronic wristbands to monitor coronavirus cases

In a controversial step, South Korea’s government has announced that it will strap electronic wristbands on people who defy self-quarantine orders as it tightens monitoring to slow the spread of the new coronavirus.

Senior Health Ministry official Yoon Tae-ho on Saturday acknowledged the privacy and civil liberty concerns surrounding the bands, which will be enforced through police and local administrative officials after two weeks of preparation and manufacturing, the Associated News agency reported.

But he said authorities need more effective monitoring tools because the number of people placed under self-quarantine has ballooned after the country began enforcing 14-day quarantines on all passengers arriving from abroad on April 1 amid worsening outbreaks in Europe and the United States.


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