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Monitor CoronaVirus 15 April 2020 – Trump cuts WHO funding as infections pass 2 Million


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Key Points:

  • Confirmed cases 2 000 065
  • Deaths 126 754

Live COVID-19 Monitor here

  • Trump cut WHO funding over Coronavirus pandemic
  • Thailand extends ban on passenger flights until end of April
  • Japan reports 457 cases, urges people to curb interactions
  • Masks made compulsory in Singapore
  • Iceland to start lifting restrictions from May 4
  • South Korea reports 27 new cases, three more deaths as voters head to the polls
  • China reports 46 additional cases, says most of them ‘imported’
  • Global reported death toll over 125,600
  • Singapore reports more than 300 cases for second consecutive day


Global reported death toll over 125,600

At least 125,678 people around the world have succumbed to the coronavirus that was first reported in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year. That’s according to the latest information from Johns Hopkins University. 

Hopkins data also showed the virus has infected more than 1.97 million people. The United States has the highest number of cases, with more than 600,000 patients.

Spain, Italy, France and Germany, with at least 130,000 cases in each of the European countries. The United Kingdom also reported a high number of cases — with reported cases climbing to over 94,000 and fatalities topping 12,100.

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Trump move to cut WHO funding under fire

The United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has said now is “not the time” to be cutting funding to the WHO, and the medical community has also criticised the move.

Dr Patrice Harris, president of the American Medical Association called it “a dangerous step in the wrong direction that will not make defeating COVID-19 easier.” 

Dr Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease expert and senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security said while reforms might be needed it as not the time.


It’s not the middle of a pandemic that you do this type of thing,” Dr Amesh Adalja said.


Dr  William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center.


This virus doesn’t need passports. In a few short months it has travelled to all of the continents of the world except Antarctica. If there were ever an event that showed us how we need to work tougher as a global community, this is it.” 


Masks made compulsory in Singapore

Everyone in Singapore must now wear a mask when they go outside after a sharp jump in coronavirus cases over the past two days.

Anyone found without a mask will be fined 300 Singapore dollars ($212), while repeat offenders could be prosecuted in court and face higher fines, the Health Ministry said in a statement late on Tuesday. It said exemptions would be made for children under two years old or those with special needs.

Singapore how has 3,252 after reporting 386 new cases on Monday, and 334 on Tuesday. The government distributes masks free to all residents.


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