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Monitor CoronaVirus 16 April 2020 – IMF warns of Zero Growth in Asia


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Key Points:

  • Confirmed cases  2 083 326
  • Deaths 134 616

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  •  Singapore reported a record 447 new cases on Wednesday, of which 404 involved migrant workers residing in dormitories.
  • Asia’s economic growth ‘to drop to zero for first time in 60 years’
  • Breweries in Japan shift from sake to sanitiser
  • The governors of the US states of New York and Maryland and Pennsylvania are ordering residents to wear face masks in public spaces.
  • Health authorities in China are reporting 46 new cases of confirmed coronavirus infections, of which 34 are imported and 12 are domestic transmissions. 
  • IMF okays almost $230 million in coronavirus aid for Niger, Burkina
  • Qatar confirms first virus cases at World Cup sites
  • Two million coronavirus cases recorded, Tour de France postponed, Malawi announces 21-day lockdown


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Asia’s economic growth ‘to drop to zero for first time in 60 years’

The IMF says the coronavirus pandemic is likely to bring Asia’s economic growth to a standstill for the first time in 60 years.


These are highly uncertain and challenging times for the global economy. The Asia-Pacific region is no exception. The impact of the coronavirus on the region will be severe, across the board, and unprecedented,” says Changyong Rhee, director of the IMF’s Asia and Pacific Department.

Governments must offer targeted support to hardest-hit households and firms, he says, adding that the crisis requires “a comprehensive and coordinated policy response”


Breweries in Japan shift from sake to sanitiser

Sake breweries across Japan are producing high-alcohol content liquids for use in place of the alcohol-based sanitisers amid a shortage of disinfectants, Kyodo news agency reports.

Kazuki Haruta, president of Kikisui Sake Co in Kochi prefecture, tells Kyodo he received more than 10,000 orders and inquiries after producing a disinfecting spirit with 77 percent alcohol.


I was surprised by how many inquiries we received from hospitals and medical staff as well,” he says.

Breweries in Ibaraki, Toyama and Okinawa prefectures have also released similar products, Kyodo reports.

On April 10, Japan’s health ministry approved the use of alcoholic drinks as hand sanitisers due to dire shortages of the product in Japan.

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