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Monitor CoronaVirus -17 March 2020 – WHO urges countries to test all suspected cases


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Key Points:

  • Confirmed cases 182 405
  • Deaths 7 154 


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  • France to deploy 100,000 police to enforce lockdown
  • Egypt reports two deaths, 40 new cases 
  • Irish PM expects 15,000 cases by end of March
  • France reports 21 more coronavirus deaths
  • Trump urges no gatherings of more than 10 people
  • Germany reports jump in cases to 6,012, 13 deaths
  • WHO considers ‘airborne precautions’ for medical staff after study shows coronavirus can survive in air
  • Hong Kong to put all visitors on 14-day quarantine
  • South Korea reports 84 new cases, 6 additional deaths
  • Single biggest shock’: Airlines, airports battle coronavirus cash crunch
  • Qatar Only Allowing Citizens To Enter – But Qatar Airways Still Operating – Cargo and transit flights not affected


WHO considers ‘airborne precautions’ for medical staff after study shows coronavirus can survive in air

The World Health Organization is considering “airborne precautions” for medical staff after a new study showed the coronavirus can survive in the air in some settings.

The virus is transmitted through droplets, or little bits of liquid, mostly through sneezing or coughing, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, head of WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, told reporters during a virtual news conference on Monday.


When you do an aerosol-generating procedure like in a medical care facility, you have the possibility to what we call aerosolize these particles, which means they can stay in the air a little bit longer.”


Van Kerkhove added:

It’s very important that health-care workers take additional precautions when they’re working on patients and doing those procedures.”



Airlines, airports battle coronavirus cash crunch

As Boeing and other U.S. aviation companies angle for billions in assistance, airlines and airport operators globally are suspending dividends, selling airplanes and flying cargo on passenger jets amid plunging demand caused by the pandemic.

Boeing Co (BA.N) confirmed it is in talks with senior White House officials and congressional leaders about short-term assistance for the entire U.S. aviation sector, including suppliers, airlines and airports.

U.S. airlines and cargo carriers have said they are seeking at least $58 billion in loans and grants along with additional tax changes, while airports have sought $10 billion. European airlines have also stepped up calls for emergency government aid.


It’s now fair to call this the single biggest shock that global aviation has ever experienced,” Qantas Airways Ltd (QAN.AX) Chief Executive Alan Joyce said in a memo to the airline’s 30,000 staff on Tuesday.


Joyce has worked in the industry for more than 30 years, including during the 9/11 attacks, and led Qantas through the global financial crisis in 2008-2009.

The Australian carrier announced plans to cut international capacity by 90% and domestic capacity by 60% until at least the end of May, grounding the equivalent of 150 planes in response to new travel restrictions.


Our goal is to protect as many jobs as possible and to make sure we remain strong enough to ride this out,” Joyce told staff in the memo seen by Reuters.


New Zealand’s Auckland International Airport Ltd (AIA.NZ) said it would scrap its interim dividend on top of cost-cutting measures that include a hiring freeze and a halt to discretionary spending.

Air New Zealand Ltd (AIR.NZ) announced on Monday it would cut capacity to Australia by 80% from March 30 to June 30 after both countries said over the weekend that all travelers would need to self-isolate for 14 days after arrival.

Australian airports are set to lose more than A$500 million ($306.45 million) in take-off and landing fees this year as capacity plunges, the Australian Airports Association said.


Raising Cash

Qantas last week told analysts it was looking to raise a few hundred million dollars by refinancing some of its aircraft.

Simon Birmingham, Australia’s Minister for Tourism said on Tuesday that neither Qantas nor smaller rival Virgin Australia Holdings Ltd (VAH.AX) have asked for a bailout but the government had not ruled out providing assistance.


They believe they are viable and have strong cash positions… but we want to make sure we maintain that confidence in the airlines,” Birmingham told reporters.


Hong Kong’s Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd (0293.HK) said on Monday it had agreed a $703.8 million deal with lessor BOC Aviation Ltd (2588.HK) to sell and lease back six Boeing Co (BA.N) 777-300ER airplanes to raise much-needed cash.

The carrier, one of the earliest and hardest hit by the outbreak due to its proximity to mainland China, said its full-service airlines, Cathay Pacific and Cathay Dragon, had made an unaudited loss of HK$2 billion ($257.5 million) in the month of February alone.

Story from here


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