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Monitor CoronaVirus – 20 March 2020 – Global death toll surpasses 10,000


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Key Points:

  • Confirmed cases 247 595
  • Deaths 10 064


Live CoronaVirus Monitor here


  • South African cases rise to 202
  • Pornhub is offering free premium memberships to some countries on lockdown
  • Malaysia to deploy army to enforce restricted movement order – Malaysia reports 130 new coronavirus cases
  • Number of cases in Germany surge overnight to 13,957
  • Number of cases in Taiwan surge again, second death reported
  •  Indonesia confirms 60 new coronavirus cases, new deaths
  • India’s Maharashtra state to close shops, offices
  • Saudi Arabia bans prayers at holy mosques 
  • YouTube to reduce streaming quality in Europe 



Number of cases in Germany surge overnight to 13,957

Germany’s Robert Koch Institute (RKI) said the number of cases of COVID-19 rose by 2,958 overnight to 13,957. 

The number of fatalities rose by 11 to a total of 31 so far.

Meanwhile, RKI President Lothar Wieler urged people to keep their distance to curb the pandemic, but said it was up to the authorities to decide whether to impose a curfew to force them to do so.


We recommend keeping maximal distance. It is up to the authorities to decide on the measures needed to achieve that,” Wieler told reporters.


YouTube to reduce streaming quality in Europe 

YouTube said it will reduce its streaming quality in the European Union to avoid straining the internet as thousands of Europeans, constrained by the coronavirus outbreak, switch to teleworking and watch videos at home. 

YouTube is the second company after Netflix to act after EU industry chief Thierry Breton urged streaming platforms to cut the quality of their videos to prevent internet gridlock.


We are making a commitment to temporarily switch all traffic in the EU to standard definition by default,” the company said in a statement.


Europe’s telecoms providers from Vodafone to Deutsche Telekom have reported a spike in data traffic in recent days, forcing Breton to issue his pre-emptive call before the internet breaks down.

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