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Monitor CoronaVirus 23 March 2020 – Italy bans all internal travel


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Key Points:

  • Confirmed cases 338 724
  • Deaths 14 687

Live COVID-19 Monitor here

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 Italy moved to stop all travel within the country, in a further escalation of its attempt to curb the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, a month after announcing its first death from the disease.

Italy’s travel ban was announced as all non-essential businesses including car, clothing and furniture makers were ordered to close and a further 651 people died from COVID-19, the illness caused by the virus.

Italy has recorded a death toll higher than China, where the virus first appeared late last year.

Domenico Arcuri, head of the government’s coronavirus relief effort, told state broadcaster RAI that Italy was “at war” with the virus


All wars are won in two ways, with one’s own army and with the help of ones’ own allies,” Arcuri said.


Other countries are also stepping up their efforts to control the disease, urging people to stay at home.

Spain, the second-worst affected country in Europe, plans to extend a state of emergency until April 11, after recording more than 1,700 deaths.


We are at war,” Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez told a news briefing, calling on Europe to launch an enormous, coordinated public investment programme like the post World War II Marshall Plan.

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South Africans gripped in fear by the rapidly spreading coronavirus cases in the country will only know on Monday what plans President Cyril Ramaphosa has in store.


This is what we know so far:

1. Ramaphosa is in good health and is observing all the protocols to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus

2. The president is expected to be locked in a meeting with select members of cabinet, called the national command council on Covid-19, until late into the night

3. South African business bodies, lobby groups and some political parties pledged to work closely with the government in the fight against the pandemic

4. Regulations relating to the national state of disaster remains in force. These include travel bans, restrictions on selling alcohol, social gatherings and the closures of ports

5. South Africa now has 274 confirmed cases of Covid-19

6. Gauteng is still the province with the most cases – (132)

7. The Northern Cape and the North West are the only two provinces with zero confirmed cases

8. Most cases in SA falls within the 31-40-years age group

9. The oldest person is 85-years-old and the youngest are 2 year olds

From here


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