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Monitor CoronaVirus 26 March 2020 – You cannot walk your dog – South African Police publish lockdown regulations


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Key Points:

  • Confirmed cases  471 417
  • Deaths 21 295

Live CoronaVirus Monitor here

  • US Senate passes $2 trillion coronavirus package
  • Parliament in Spain votes to extend state of emergency until April 11
  • Mexico to suspend all non-essential activity from Thursday
  • Prince Charles tests positive for Coronavirus
  • Coronavirus death toll passes 20 000, three billion under lockdown
  • South African Police publish regulations


The dos and don’ts during the national lockdown in South Africa

Police Minister Bheki Cele has warned any person who contravenes the regulations of the nationwide lockdown from midnight on Thursday will be guilty of a criminal offence and will be liable to a fine or imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months, or both.

During a briefing on Wednesday, members of the  Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster clarified what residents would be allowed to do and what has been prohibited during the lockdown which aims to curb the spread of the coronavirus.


News24 has compiled a list of what you can and cannot do


  • You will be allowed to collect social grants.
  • You will be allowed to buy food.
  • You will be allowed to seek medical attention.
  • You will be able to visit the pharmacy for medicine.
  • A gathering of 50 people will be allowed at a funeral.
  • You will be allowed to access public transportation for essential services during specific times.



  • You will not be allowed to go jogging in public.
  • You will not be allowed to walk your dog in public.
  • You will not be able to buy alcohol as its sale and movement has been banned.
  • All gatherings have been prohibited, including gatherings on public roads, buildings, places and premises.
  • Movement between provinces is prohibited.
  • Movement between districts is prohibited.


Places you will be prohibited from accessing

  • Public Parks
  • Fleamarkets
  • Public swimming pools
  • Beaches
  • Nightclubs
  • Casinos
  • Lodges
  • Guesthouses
  • Hotels
  • Private and public game reserves
  • Holiday resorts
  • Shopping malls (excluding grocery store and pharmacies at the stores)
  • Cinemas
  • Taverns
  • Bars
  • Shebeens
  • Any place normally open to the public where religious, cultural, sporting, entertainment, recreational, organisational or similar activities may take place.

From here


Coronavirus death toll passes 20 000, three billion under lockdown

More than three billion people around the world were living under lockdown on Wednesday as governments stepped up their efforts against the coronavirus pandemic which has left more than 20 000 people dead.

As the number of confirmed cases worldwide soared past 450 000, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned that only a concerted global effort could stop the spread of the virus.

In Spain, the number of fatalities surpassed those of China, where the novel coronavirus first emerged three months ago, making it the hardest-hit nation after Italy. Credit: AFP


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