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Monitor CoronaVirus 27 March 2020 – Worldwide infections surge pass 500 000, US becomes new epicentre


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Key Points:

  • Confirmed cases  532 236
  • Deaths 24 090

Live CoronaVirus Monitor here

  • Thailand reports 91 new cases, bans entry of non-resident foreigners
  • South Korea reports 91 new cases and 8 additional deaths
  • Italy’s death toll rises above 8,000
  • China’s Xi calls for ‘international macro-economic policy coordination
  • De Blasio says New York has now hit 365 deaths from coronavirus
  • Australia introduces quarantine for returning citizens 
  • Trump against cancellation of Republican Convention in August


The US is now the epicenter of the outbreak

The total number of cases in the U.S. reached 82,404, eclipsing China’s 81,782 confirmed infections and Italy at 80,589, according to data compiled by John Hopkins University.

The virus emerged in Wuhan, China, in December. It has since spread to more than half a million people in almost every country around the world and continues to pick up speed, the World Health Organization warned earlier this week.

From here


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