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Monitor CoronaVirus 29 March 2020 – Trump drops idea of coronavirus lockdowns


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Key Points:

  • Confirmed cases 664 590
  • Deaths 30 890

Live CoronaVirus Monitor here

  •  Singapore confirms third death related to COVID-19
  • Thailand reports 143 new cases to a total of 1,388
  • Australia says social distancing has helped to slow virus spread 
  • Mexico asks residents to stay at home for one month
  • Thailand reports 143 new cases and one death
  • Wuhan reopens railway stations
  • Canadian PM’s wife recovers from COVID-19
  • South Korea reports 105 new cases, total at 9,583


Australia says social distancing has helped to slow virus spread 

The rate of daily increase in new coronavirus cases has halved in recent days in Australia, Reuters reported, citing the country’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison. 

The daily increase in cases in recent days was around 13% to 15%, down from last week’s 25% to 30%, said Morrison, adding that social distancing measures were working, according to the Reuters report. 

Australia reported 431 new confirmed cases, bringing total infections in the country to 3,809 with 14 deaths, according to its health ministry. 

Morrison also announced an additional 1.1 billion Australian dollars ($678.2 million) in funding to expand telemedicine, mental health support and other health services to battle “the devastating impacts of coronavirus.”

From here


As cases continue to slow in China, Wuhan reopens rail stations

China’s National Health Commission reported 45 new COVID-19 cases on the mainland, of which all but one were imported by travellers from overseas. 

There were five new deaths in Wuhan, the city that was once at the epicentre of China’s outbreak. Life is gradually returning to normal in the city, which has only reported one new case in the last 10 days, according to state media. 

Wuhan’s subway and railway stations reopened on Saturday after two months of suspension, and a China- Europe cargo train departed Wuhan for Germany, carrying medical supplies.

Mainland China has recorded 81,439 confirmed cases and a total of 3,300 deaths throughout the outbreak. From here




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