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Monitor CoronaVirus – 3 March 2020 – G7 to issue statement on Coronavirus impact


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Key Points:

  • Confirmed cases 90 932
  • Deaths 3119
  • New cases in China continued to decline, according to its latest numbers as of March 2, which showed 125 new confirmed cases, and 31 more deaths. 
  • The U.S. state of Georgia has confirmed its first two cases of the coronavirus disease, said Governor Brian Kemp.
  • SIx people have died in the United States
  • Stocks surge as central banks promise action

G-7 is expected to issue statement on countering virus impact

The Group of Seven industrial powers is expected to issue a statement on Tuesday or Wednesday on countering the impact of the coronavirus outbreak, reported Reuters. 

In the draft statement currently in the works, the G-7 countries will pledge to work together to mitigate the damage to their economies from the fast-spreading epidemic, according to the report, citing an official with knowledge of the deliberations.


CNN Restricts Employee Travel In Wake Of Coronavirus

CNN is placing restrictions on employee travel in the wake of the coronavirus.

Jeff Zucker, chairman of Warner Media News and Sports, wrote to employees on Monday that they would ensure that staffing needs are met for coverage of major upcoming political events, debates, NBA and NCAA coverage, but will “limit any participants that are not absolutely critical to getting our content out or meeting basic revenue-generating needs.”

His note signaled the increasing concern among major corporations, including news organizations covering the spread of the coronavirus.


South Africa has no laboratory-confirmed case of coronavirus, says NICD

RUSTENBURG – South Africa has not had a laboratory-confirmed case of Covid-19 (coronavirus), the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) said on Monday.


Meanwhile the World Health Organisation (WHO) said the number of cases in China continues to decline.

Yesterday [Sunday], China reported 206 cases of Covid-19 to WHO, the lowest since 22 January. Only eight cases were reported outside Hubei province yesterday.

Outside China, a total of 8,739 cases of Covid-19 have been reported to WHO from 61 countries, with 127 deaths,” Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.

He said the epidemics in the Republic of Korea, Italy, Iran and Japan were of greatest concern. 


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