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Monitor CoronaVirus 30 March 2020 – Trump extends US guidelines beyond Easter as New York State Death Toll passes 1000


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Key Points:

  • Confirmed cases 722 202
  • Deaths 33 976

Live Coronavirus Monitor here

  • Global cases of reported infections exceed 700,000
  •  New York State Death Toll passes 1 000
  • Argentina’s President Alberto Fernandez extended a nationwide quarantine until mid-April to stem the spread of the coronavirus.
  • South Korea reports 78 new cases; total at 9,661
  • Death toll in New York state surpasses 1,000
  • China reports 31 new cases in mainland


Trump extends US guidelines beyond Easter

President Donald Trump has said federal coronavirus guidelines such as social distancing will be extended across the US until at least 30 April.

He had previously suggested that they could be relaxed as early as Easter, which falls in mid-April.


The highest point of the death rate is likely to hit in two weeks,” Mr Trump said.


He appeared to be referring to peak infection rates that it is feared could overwhelm hospitals.White House medical adviser Dr Anthony Fauci had earlier warned that the virus could kill up to 200,000 Americans.Dr Fauci said that it was “entirely conceivable” that millions of Americans could eventually be infected.

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