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Monitor CoronaVirus 6 April 2020 – Japan preparing for a state of emergency


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Key Points:

  • Confirmed cases 1 274 022
  • Deaths 69 468

Live CoronaVirus Monior here

  •  Japan’s coronavirus panel to meet Monday afternoon to prepare for state of emergency, Nikkei reports
  • British PM Boris Johnson admitted to hospital for tests over ‘persistent’ coronavirus symptoms 
  • Australia says daily infection rate has gone down
  • South Korea reports fewer than 50 cases
  • Apple will produce 1 million face shields per week for medical workers
  • Singapore puts nearly 20,000 resident workers in quarantine and under isolation
  • Tiger at the Bronx Zoo tests positive for the coronavirus 


 Australia says daily infection rate has gone down

Australia’s daily infection growth rate has fallen — from about 25% and 30%, down to around 5% — as more people self-isolate, health minister Greg Hunt told a local television news program on Sunday, according to an official transcript.  

The government has stepped up its measures to tackle the outbreak, which includes restricting nonessential outings and closing down borders as well as most public gathering places. 

There are at least 5,687 reported cases in Australia and 35 deaths, according to JHU data.

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Tiger at the Bronx Zoo tests positive for the coronavirus 

A tiger at the Bronx Zoo in New York has tested positive for the coronavirus. 


The 4-year-old female Malaysian tiger, Nadia, had developed a dry cough and was tested “out of an abundance of caution,” the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo said in a statement


The diagnosis was confirmed by the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories. It is the first confirmed COVID-19 case in a tiger, according to the USDA

Several tigers and lions at the zoo showed symptoms of a respiratory illness, the USDA said. 

The tiger who tested positive is believed to have become infected by a zoo employee. The tiger first began to show symptoms on March 27, the USDA said.


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