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Monitor CoronaVirus 8 April 2020 – Wuhan eases lockdown


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Key Points:

  • Confirmed cases 1 432 084
  • Deaths 82 099

Live CoronaVirus Monitor here

  • The central Chinese city of Wuhan — where the coronavirus was first reported — started allowing people to leave for the first time since it was locked down on Jan. 23 to contain the outbreak.
  • The number of confirmed cases in Germany jumped by 4,003 in the past 24 hours to a total of 103,228, according to data from the Robert Koch Institute for infectious diseases.
  • Rice prices surge to 7-year high as coronavirus sparks stockpiling
  • Tesla to slash employee pay, and furlough hourly workers until May 4
  • The battle against coronavirus will last a ‘very long time,’ says Singapore minister
  • South Korea reports 53 new cases, 8 deaths
  • China reports 62 new cases, 2 deaths
  • Trump claims WHO ‘missed the call’ on coronavirus, threatens funding


The central Chinese city of Wuhan — where the coronavirus was first reported — started allowing people to leave for the first time since it was locked down on Jan. 23 to contain the outbreak.

The central Chinese city of Wuhan — where the coronavirus was first reported — started allowing people to leave for the first time since it was locked down on Jan. 23 to contain the outbreak.

The first train carrying departing passengers left the city at 5 a.m. local time, Reuters reported, and outbound highways were opened to vehicles around the same time.

Based on ticket sales, 55,000 people will leave Wuhan by train on Wednesday, Chinese media reported.

More than 50,000 people were infected with the virus in Wuhan and the death toll in the city has reached 2,572, about 80% of the total fatalities in China, according to official figures.

Chinese authorities gradually eased restrictions in Wuhan city as the epidemic situation improved. At one time, the industrial city’s 11 million people were confined to their homes.


Rice prices surge to 7-year high as coronavirus sparks stockpiling

The price of rice — a staple food in Asia — has hit 7-year highs due to the coronavirus outbreak as importers rush to stockpile the grain while exporters curb shipments.

According to the Thai Rice Exporters Association, price of the 5% broken white rice — the industry benchmark — rose 12% from March 25 to April 1. Rice prices are now the highest since late April 2013, according to Reuters data.

The rise in prices is due to expectations of higher demand for Thai rice after fellow top exporters India and Vietnam both face export disruptions of the strategic staple food due to the outbreak of the coronavirus disease, formally known as COVID-19. Asia produces 90% of the world’s rice supply and consumes the same amount.

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