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Monitor CoronaVirus 9 April 2020 – 1.5 Million Global Cases


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Key Points:

  • Confirmed cases 1 518 773
  • Deaths 88 505

Live CoronaVirus Monitor here

  •  South African infection rise to 1 845 with 18 deaths
  • 103-year-old Italian says ‘courage, faith’ helped beat virus
  • Pakistan starts giving cash grants to low-income families
  • Keep out: Remote Indigenous communities sealed off in Australia
  • Positive signs in New Zealand after two weeks of lockdown
  • South Korea sees continued slowdown in coronavirus
  • New York flags at half mast to honour coronavirus dead
  • The number of new confirmed cases in Germany jumped by 4,974 in the past 24 hours to a total of 108,202, according to data from the Robert Koch Institute for infectious diseases.
  • Coronavirus could spark a financial crisis for struggling countries, Singapore’s trade minister warns
  • Trump escalates tension with WHO over coronavirus pandemic, repeats threat to withhold funding


Global coronavirus cases reach 1.5 million

There are now some 1.5 million confirmed cases of coronavirus across the world, with the United States and the United Kingdom suffering the highest number of deaths in a single day since the outbreak began.

But in countries including South Korea and New Zealand, there is evidence that lockdowns, testing, monitoring and quarantines can help slow the spread of the virus. 

Data collected by Johns Hopkins University shows that of the 1.5 million people with COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, nearly 330,000 have recovered. More than 88,500 people have died with the US reporting 1,850 deaths on Wednesday, and the UK, 938. 

From here


103-year-old Italian says ‘courage, faith’ helped beat virus

To recover from the coronavirus, as she did, Ada Zanusso recommends courage and faith, the same qualities that have served her well in her nearly 104 years.

Italy, along with neighboring France, has Europe’s largest population of what has been dubbed the “super old” – people who are at least 100. As the nation with the world’s highest number of COVID-19 deaths, Italy is looking to its super-old survivors for inspiration.

I’m well, I’m well,” Zanusso said Tuesday during a video call with The Associated Press from the Maria Grazia Residence for the elderly in Lessona, a town in the northern region of Piedmont. “I watch TV, read the newspapers.”


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