A feel good story emanating from a real problem the world is facing, plastic pollution.
Single-use plastics, or disposable plastics, are used only once before they are thrown away or recycled. These items are things like plastic bags, straws, coffee stirrers, soda and water bottles and most food packaging.
Teenage Environmental Activist, Sahara Thagunna, launched the 2020 for 2020 “What the Bag?” project earlier this year in a quest to gain funding to produce 2020 reusable shopping bags to hand out for free in 2020. These bags replace single-use plastic and are given free to people who pledge to “pay it forward”.
Sahara previously sewed the bags herself but as sewing 2020 bags was a pretty daunting task, she enlisted help from the wonderful ladies at Epilepsy SA Knysna branch.
As funding is starting to pour in, work must commence… with huge thanks to the ladies at Epilepsy SA Knysna – we appreciate you!
Join Sahara in her quest to educate and fight plastic pollution – click here

Petco and Plastics|SA donated to secure production of 1010 bags – VIDEO BELOW