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Whispers from the Winelands #13


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WineLand Media launches an awareness campaign via its social media and web platforms around the plea of ​​the South African wine industry.



Similar to the social media campaign by restaurants over the past week, WineLand Media is launching  an awareness campaign via its social media and web platforms around the plea of ​​the South African wine industry.

Wineland media appealed to primary producers, wine cellar sor any other businesses in the wine value chain to send us a PHOTO with the following (preferably in English):

– Name (If not visible in the photo)

– (XX) Amount of jobs affected (number of people employed by your company / farm)

– Use the hashtags #JobsSaveLives or #SaveSAwine

Please send the photos to info@vinpro.co.za or anton@wineland.co.za

The WineLand Media team is rolling out this social media campaign over at least the next two weeks. WoSA, Vinpro and the respective wine routes will also use and share this campaign to create awareness.

BMDM Digital marketing pledged its support for the project and will include all it’s social media platforms including the About the Winelands podcast to support the project.


Show your solidarity and join the SaveSAwine Facebook group now



Alcohol industry seeks deferment of R5 billion in excise tax due to renewed ban

The renewed prohibition of alcohol sales with immediate effect has resulted in the South African alcohol industry having no choice but to apply for a deferment of the payment of over R5 billion in excise duties for July and August 2020.

The total excise due for July is estimated to be R2 514 366 945. For August, the estimated excise would be R2 585 935 368.  Total Excise Payments Due to SARS over these two months is R5 100 302 313.

The South African liquor industry spokesperson, Sibani Mngadi, explained that alcohol excise tax is imposed at the point of production.


This means that our industry have a liability to pay excise tax on end products that are in warehouses, and cannot be sold as a result of the prohibition of sales with immediate effect announced last Sunday,” said Mngadi


The industry and its entire value chain are facing an enormous financial crisis, and its capacity to make these payments is severely constrained. The sustainability of the sector, now and in the post-Covid-19 era, is dependent on this deferment if job losses are to be avoided.

The industry will play an invaluable role in helping SA’s economy recover post-Covid-19. Currently, it supports more than 35 000 township-based businesses (such as taverns), more than 10 000 off-site consumption retailers, and more than 22 500 labour-intensive firms (such as restaurants, hotels, wine estates).


However, the government’s nationwide ban on the sale of alcohol has far-reaching repercussions. A more targeted and nuanced approach is required, and the industry has appealed to the government to enter into discussions on reasonable and viable alternatives,” Mngadi added.


The industry shares with the government its concerns regarding the increase in Covid-19 infections and will continue to support efforts to curb this unprecedented health emergency.


We reiterate our commitment to partner with the government to create a social compact that drives behavioural change regarding the use and consumption of alcohol. We will continue to offer our unanimous support in making our assets available to government in fighting this pandemic together.


The South African alcohol industry includes but is not limited to the National Liquor Traders Council, South African Liquor Brandowners Association (SALBA), the Beer Association of South Africa (BASA), Vinpro, the National Liquor Traders Council, and manufacturers.

Issued by FTI Consulting on behalf of the Liquor Industry. For interviews, or further information, please contact:  salba@fticonsulting.com

From here



Amsterdam company creates new vegan trainers from ‘wine leather’

The new trainers are named W3RD Wine Pack and will retail for around €250. They will be launched as part of Mercer Amsterdam’s Spring / Summer 2021 collection, in December this year. As well as the wine leather, the trainers include some mesh made from leftover PET bottles and the sole is made from algae.


Wine leather is soft, smooth, stable, 100% sustainable and can be recycled. It almost feels like leather and can also be processed adequately,’ said a statement from the company. Wine leather is 100% vegan, no animals are harmed and no animal products are used during the production process.’


 From here



Our amazing show this week


ABOUT THE WINELANDS welcomes Gerhard van der Watt, the Chief Executive Officer of Perdeberg Wines, situated in Paarl, South Africa. Perdeberg Cellar has one primary mission: “To create wines of excellence and difference.” Valuing long term relationships and seeking to establish value added relationships beyond the obvious.



PERDEBERG WINES, nestled in the shadows of the Paardeberg Mountain in Paarl, adopted its name from scores of Mountain Zebra that once roamed its foothills, mistaken for wild horses by the Dutch. “Established in 1941, our wines are rooted in a tradition of producing award winning wines grown in various micro climates in the area. The superior quality of Dry land vineyards and our innovative winemaking techniques combine to produce premium wines of world class quality. At Perdeberg Cellar, we prefer to set trends rather than follow them and we never compromise the exceptional quality of our wines.” READ MORE HERE


PERDEBERG WINES, the Home of Chenin Blanc


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This week we focus on supporting the #SaveSAwine campaign and appeal to everyone to support #SaveSAwine











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To next week, enjoy and… Cheers!


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