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Whispers from the Winelands #7

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Love affair with a courier in the Winelands


The initial 3 week liquorless lockdown saw many stockpile on wine supplies to see them through a few weeks. With the ban on alcohol sales lasting another 2 months, many became desperate to restock as their wine supply was running low. Online wine retailer, wine.co.za, saw wine orders coming in on a weekly basis since the start of South Africa’s lockdown but the last week leading up to the start of alert level 3, permitting the sale of wine and other spirits again, saw unprecedented online wine sales.

Working through a 2 month long backlog of orders is no easy task and all initial preparations to cope with the backlog seemed futile when the surge of orders came flooding in over the last few days of May. Warehouses were nearly empty, following wine sales just before the lockdown started on 17 March and with the transport of alcohol being banned, there was no way to move stock before 1 June. Permission was then given to producers to transport wines to retailers from Friday, the 29th of May, but an increase in sales of up to 400% for some retailers created a a few logistical problems.


National Wine Manager of Aramex South Africa, André Cronjé, says

Everybody expected their wine deliveries the day after lockdown was lifted, but unfortunately it might take up to 2 weeks to catch up and get ahead of the game.

We normally ship between 1000 and 1500 cases of wine weekly, during normal busy periods. Since last week we have collected over 20 000 cases already. This has led to enormous constraints on our re-work space and we had to rent extra floor space outside Stellenbosch just to scan, document and pallet wrap all the shipments before sending it to the various destinations”, Cronjé explains. The result has been bottlenecks at the major hubs such as Johannesburg and Pretoria.


On when the backlog will be cleared up, Kevin Kidson, co-owner of wine.co.za and CellarDirect comments:

The backlog of orders made during the last weeks of Level 4 combined with the regulations limiting the movement of alcohol has put huge pressure on the courier services. We are currently experiencing about a 7 working day delay. Compounding the wine deliveries is the fact that every other industry has experienced a huge increase in volumes and you will realize why the courier service is just not keeping up right now. wine.co.za has been working with them and we have seen an increase in their capacity so we expect this tsunami to be over by the end of next week.”


Marcel Louw of Seabourne Express said that a challenging factor is level 3 regulations which only allows them to deliver alcohol  from Monday to Thursday between 9am and 5pm. He said that at the start of last week they had various industries starting to ship backlog orders and all orders received during the lockdown period. Claude le Roux from Seabourne has commented on strategies and resources implemented to clear the backlog, such as acquiring additional warehouse space and sourcing additional reliable owner drivers capable of handling wine deliveries. They have also implemented 24-hour shifts for their team.


This is a learning curve for us all. We’re doing as much as we can but we are having to adapt literally on a daily basis,” says le Roux.


The online shopping experience is definitely different from a visit to the store, and so are customer expectations. But it seems as if though in a time when the country has come together and shown amazing understanding, compassion and patience towards everyone having to adapt and learn how to function through the most unusual of circumstances, they still have not learned that same patience and compassion towards the e-commerce industry. Granted that good communication is always one of the most important rules of business and that promised delivery times should always try to be honoured under normal working conditions, perhaps, taking everything into account, and knowing that there are teams working around the clock to make deliveries, rules can be eased up a little to allow for the storm to pass.


Cronjé says,

we love the challenge and will definitely ensure that all wine shipments are delivered very soon.”


When you receive your wines, raise a glass to the courageous courier who got it there. Full story here



Instagram snowed under

The high-lying areas in the Western Cape were blanketed in snow this week. The picturesque scenes have drawn many visitors to the area, but authorities have urged them to stay home. The Western Cape Disaster Management Centre were alerted to an influx of visitors to the Cape Winelands area, and in particular the Witzenberg area. Visitors were eager to see the snowfall on the mountain ranges in the area. Visitors took to Instagram to share their experience.










Our three amazing shows this week


ABOUT THE WINELANDS welcomes Willem du Plessis, the Marketing Liaison for Rustenberg Wines in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Rustenberg is one of the first and oldest wine estates in the region.



The Rustenberg Estate has a rich history dating back to 1682 and by 1781, around 3000 cases of wine were produced on the farm. The Estate is nestled in the valley of the Simonsberg Mountain which is located in South Africa’s premium wine region, Stellenbosch. A magnificent setting. In 1941 Peter and Pamela Barlow bought Rustenberg, later acquiring Schoongezicht and reuniting the properties. Their son Simon took over the running of the farm in 1987. Simon’s son, Murray, joined in the running of the farm with his father in 2012. The Barlows have been at Rustenberg for over 75 years: the longest period any one family has owned the farm. READ MORE HERE


RUSTENBERG WINES – Rich history, Delicious wines and Beautiful Estate



ABOUT THE WINELANDS welcomes Gizelle Coetzee, a winemaker, who manages Sales and Marketing at Mellasat Vineyards. Located near Paarl, in the heart of South Africa’s famous winelands just 45 mins from Cape Town.



Mellasat Vineyards was created by the Richardson family in 1996 from the original farm Dekkersvlei which was established in 1693. The vineyard enjoys a spectacular position under the dramatic Klein Drakenstein mountains together with panoramic views of the Paarl and its famous granite domes. “At Mellasat Vineyards we reckon we’re a bit different, which is why you’ll find a white Pinotage amongst our range of award winning wines.” READ MORE HERE


MELLASAT VINEYARDS, home of the White Pinotage



ABOUT THE WINELANDS welcomes brothers Rob and Chris Boustred from the Family owned Remhoogte Wine Estate. The Boustreds’ believe wine is made in the vineyards, and their goal is to allow the vineyards to express themselves by interfering as little as possible, resulting in a minimalist approach in both the vineyards and the cellar.


The Remhoogte Wine Estate – The farm has a history dating back to 1812, however the first wines were produced in 1995 by the Boustred family. Remhoogte is a family owned and run estate on the foothills of the Simonsberg Mountains in Stellenbosch, the second oldest town in South Africa known for its natural beauty and oak-lined avenues, Cape Dutch architecture, history, culture and wine routes. READ MORE HERE


REMHOOGTE, where the WINES, like diamonds, are forever!


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To next week, enjoy and… Cheers!


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