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Why do we clink wine glasses

Why do we clink wine glasses?

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Clinking wine glasses is one of those time-honored traditions we perform without even thinking.

So, why do we clink wine glasses?

Some claim it was originally meant to drive away demons. Others believe the idea was to slosh a little bit of wine into your drinking partner’s glass—that way, he couldn’t poison you without risking dying himself.

As exciting as those theories are, they’re just not true. The real reasons we touch our glasses are much simpler and are explained in the video below.



How to avoid clinking glasses at your wedding reception

The guests are clinking their glasses, inviting you two to kiss in front of everyone and this  tradition of banging your wine glass with silverware to get the bride and groom to kiss might just be something that would drive you nuts.  Some people find this tradition to be unbearable and refuse to do it, much to the disappointment of their guests.

What do you do if you don’t want this at your wedding?

Why not come up with some alternative to clinking wine glasses?

When coming up with alternatives, it is important that your MC take charge so that everyone knows the rules and what is required,

1. Let them sing for a kiss.

If your friends or guests want you to kiss, then they have to get up and sing you a love song!

2. Show and tell

Let them show you how to do it. 

One of my personal favorites is what we call “Kiss by Example”.  If someone wants the couple to kiss, they need to come to the dance floor with a partner of their choosing and kiss each other in a way they’d like to see the Bride and Groom do it. This could be a lot of fun.

3. Punish them with shots!

You will kiss if they down that shot.. Perfect for those of us who like a wild party.

All that is left to say, is Ching, Ching